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Explanation about Terms of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid

what is the structure of EDTA how to prepare EDTA solution where to buy EDTA EDTA molecular weight
EDTA titration EDTA structure EDTA formula EDTA chemical
EDTA molar mass Ethylene diamine tetra acetate structure EDTA for sale EDTA anticoagulant
Charge on EDTA EDTA solution EDTA stands for EDTA complexometric titration
EDTA dental EDTA full form EDTA ph EDTA additive
EDTA solubility in water EDTA pka EDTA price Coordination number of EDTA
Function of EDTA in dna extraction EDTA function EDTA msds EDTA in cosmetics
Density EDTA EDTA purpose EDTA test is EDTA a reducing agent
Coordination number of EDTA

What is the structure of EDTA

The chemical structure of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is characterized by the presence of two amino (-NH2) and four carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups.

In its molecule, the main chain of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is linked by two carbon atoms (ethylenediamine portion). These two carbon atoms are the two nitrogen atoms of ethylenediamine (ethylene diamine) connected to the two carboxylic acid parts.

Nitrogen and Carboxylic Acid Portion: The four carboxyl groups (-COOH) of EDTA each form a diamine backbone by linking to two nitrogen atoms. Specifically, each nitrogen atom is linked to two carboxyl groups, allowing EDTA to effectively form chelates with metal ions.

Spatial structure: EDTA exhibits an octahedral configuration in space, which allows it to surround metal ions well. EDTA acts as a chelator and is able to form stable complexes with metal ions through its carboxyl and amino groups.

Ionization: In aqueous solution, EDTA can be partially ionized, especially under neutral or slightly alkaline conditions, thus enhancing its ability to bind metal ions.

How to prepare EDTA solution

The process of preparing an EDTA solution is relatively simple, but there are some precise steps that need to be followed to ensure the concentration and purity of the solution. For more details, please refers to this post - How to Prepare EDTA solution.

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Where to buy EDTA

To buy EDTA in large quantities, you can buy it through Shandong IRO chelating agent Co.,Ltd. As a factory specializing in chelating agent production, IRO offers high quality EDTA powder at the good price. IRO is also able to provide the necessary Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and comply with the appropriate environmental regulations.

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EDTA molecular weight

The molecular weight of EDTA can be calculated based on its chemical formula C10H14N2O8.

The relative atomic mass of each element is given below:

Calculate from the chemical formula and add up the parts. Therefore, the molecular mass of EDTA is approximately 292.24 g/mol.

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EDTA titration

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is commonly used in the analysis of metal ions by complexation titration, known as EDTA titration. It is a commonly used analytical chemistry technique, especially for determining the concentration of metal ions in solution. For more details, please refers to this post - What is EDTA titration.

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EDTA structure

EDTA is a multidentate ligand. Its structure contains an ethylenediamine portion, and two amino groups (-NH2) are attached between a total of four carboxylic acid groups (-COOH) so far, resulting in a four-tooth coordination structure.

The spatial structure of EDTA is a non-planar configuration, which allows it to form more efficient coordination when combined with metal ions.EDTA has a wide range of isomers, including different cationic forms such as sodium salts (disodium salts, etc.), which affect its chemical properties and uses.

EDTA, as a polydentate ligand, has a complex molecular structure, important stereo configurations, and excellent coordination ability and hydrophilicity. Its structural features determine the wide application of EDTA as a complexing agent in analytical chemistry, environmental science and biochemistry.

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EDTA formula

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), an important coordination compound, is available in a variety of forms, especially in its salt form. The basic formula for EDTA is C10H14N2O8. The formula for the disodium salt of EDTA is C10H12N2Na2O8. The formula for the dicalcium salt of EDTA is C10H12N2CaNa2O8. The formula for the calcium-sodium salt of EDTA is CaNa2EDTA. dihydrate EDTA (EDTA-2H2O) and tetrahydrate EDTA (EDTA-4H2O) can both be present .

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EDTA chemical

EDTA is an important chemical reagent valued for its excellent coordination ability and wide range of applications. It not only plays an important role in chemical analysis, but also shows great potential in environmental treatment and biomedical fields. By complexing with metal ions, EDTA helps to solve many practical problems, such as removing pollution and improving nutrient uptake. For more details, please refers to this page.

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EDTA molar mass

The molecular formula for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid contains 10 carbons (12.01 g/mol), 14 hydrogens (1.008 g/mol), 2 nitrogens (14.01 g/mol), and 8 oxygens (16.00 g/mol). Therefore, the molar mass of EDTA is approximately 290.23 g/mol.

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Ethylene diamine tetra acetate structure

Ethylene diamine tetra acetate are usually its deprotonated form. For example, the disodium salt of EDTA (Na2EDTA) is the form in which EDTA is bound to sodium ions.The salts of EDTA (e.g., Na2EDTA and CaNa2EDTA) effectively utilize the coordination ability of EDTA to form stable complexes. They have important applications in biochemistry, industry and medicine, especially in the treatment of metal ions, improvement of plant nutrient uptake, and detoxification of heavy metals.EDTA, through its unique structure and properties, is a key component in many chemical processes.

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EDTA for sale

Sales of EDTA, an important chemical reagent and ligand, usually performs well globally.

According to market research reports, the global market size of EDTA is continuously growing, especially in developing countries, where the demand for EDTA is gradually increasing as industrialization and modernization of agriculture drive. There are several chemical companies producing EDTA and its salts in the market, creating a competitive landscape.

The price of EDTA is affected by various factors such as raw material cost, production process and market demand. In the case of fluctuations in the price of chemical raw materials, the market price of EDTA may also fluctuate. On the whole, the sales situation of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is relatively optimistic, with a wide range of applications and continuously growing market demand. However, the specific sales performance will be affected by regional markets, economic environment and industry trends.

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EDTA anticoagulant

The anticoagulant effect of EDTA is mainly achieved by complexing calcium ions (Ca2+) in the blood. Calcium ions play an important role in blood coagulation, especially in the activation of coagulation factors and platelet function.

EDTA has multiple coordination sites that enable it to form stable complexes with calcium ions, thereby reducing the concentration of free calcium ions in the blood. This process effectively prevents blood clotting from occurring. When EDTA binds to calcium ions in the blood, it reduces the amount of calcium ions that can participate in the coagulation reaction, thus maintaining the liquid state of the blood during collection and storage.

EDTA has a variety of applications as an anticoagulant. In hematology testing and chemical analysis, EDTA is commonly used to prevent clotting of blood samples. Its use ensures sample integrity and accuracy, especially in whole blood, plasma or blood cell analysis. In biomedical research, EDTA is used as an anticoagulant to obtain non-coagulated blood samples for various biochemical and molecular biology experiments.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is important as an anticoagulant in a variety of clinical and laboratory applications, and its role is particularly significant in the collection and preservation of blood samples. By effectively complexing calcium ions in blood, EDTA ensures the reliability and accuracy of samples during analysis.

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Charge on EDTA

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a polydentate ligand with multiple functional groups, which affects the charge characteristics of the entire molecule. The following section explains in detail the charge of EDTA and the mechanism of its formation. For more details, please refers to this post - What is the charge on EDTA.

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EDTA solution

EDTA solution has a wide range of important applications in the fields of chemical analysis, biomedicine, water treatment, agriculture and industry due to its excellent complexing and anticoagulant properties. Its unique chemical properties make it a key reagent and material in many important processes.

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EDTA stands for

EDTA stands for “Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid” and is a widely used chemical.

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EDTA complexometric titration

There are several important differences between ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) complexation titrations and ordinary titrations (e.g., acid-base titrations), including principles, methods, and applicability. For more details, please refers to this post - Differences between EDTA complexation titrations and ordinary titrations.

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EDTA dental

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) has a variety of applications in dentistry. For more details, please refers to this post - How to make EDTA for dental work.

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EDTA full form

The full form of EDTA is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. In terms of chemical structure, EDTA has the molecular formula C10H14N2O8.This compound has four carboxyl groups (-COOH) and two amino groups (-NH2), which constitutes its polydentate ligand property and is capable of complexing with metal ions.

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Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a weak acid with several acidic hydrogen ions (protons). In complexation reactions: the optimal pH range for the use of EDTA is usually around 4 to 10. In this range, EDTA is effective in forming stable complexes with metal ions. Under acidic conditions EDTA behaves mainly in its acidic form (form with hydrogen ions), while under alkaline conditions it exists mainly in its complexed form.

When using EDTA for complexation titrations or other chemical reactions, it is critical to control the pH of the solution because different pH values affect the ability of EDTA to complex with metal ions. In practice, the pH of the solution may be adjusted by adding an acid or base to ensure the effectiveness of EDTA.

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EDTA additive

In some applications, EDTA may require additives to enhance its effect or improve its performance. The following are some common additives and their uses.

Although EDTA is able to perform its function independently, the appropriate addition of other ingredients can enhance its effect, improve the use of performance or meet specific functional requirements according to specific application needs. The appropriate additives should be selected as needed to ensure optimal results when used.

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EDTA solubility in water

EDTA has a relatively high solubility in water. At room temperature (about 25°C), EDTA has a solubility of about 100 grams per liter (g/L). This means that EDTA can be dissolved in water at a high concentration to form a clear solution.

In practical applications, ensuring that EDTA is completely dissolved is critical to its proper effectiveness. For example, in the complexation and removal of metal ions, higher solubility helps to increase the speed and effectiveness of the reaction. Therefore, when preparing EDTA solutions, appropriate pH conditions and temperatures are usually selected to ensure that the desired state of dissolution is obtained.

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EDTA pka

pKa is the acidity coefficient or dissociation constant of a drug, codenamed Ka value, which in chemistry and biochemistry refers to a specific equilibrium constant to represent the ability of an acid to dissociate hydrogen ions. edta has four dissociable hydrogen ions, which correspond to the following values of the acid dissociation constant (pKa):

These pKa values indicate that EDTA can gradually release hydrogen ions in acidic environments, with the acidity of EDTA diminishing as the pH increases. A typical EDTA solution at a pH between 4 and 6 will have most of it in the form of tetra-negative ions (EDTA2-), which are effectively complexed with metal ions.

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EDTA price

The price of EDTA is influenced by a number of factors, notably raw material costs, production processes, market demand, supply chain factors, industry standards and regulations, the economic environment, and competition from substitutes. Understanding these factors can help make more informed decisions when considering the purchase and use of EDTA.

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Coordination number of EDTA

EDTA as a polydentate ligand, is characterized by a coordination number of 6 and forms stable complexes with metal ions through multiple coordination positions. When EDTA is coordinated with metal ions, it is able to form a complex structure with a five-membered ring or a six-membered ring. This ring structure increases the stability of the complex.

EDTA has stereochemical properties and this spatial steric effect can lead to different coordination modes, which can affect the availability and bioavailability of the metal ion. Under neutral or alkaline conditions, EDTA exists predominantly as a tetra-negative ion (EDTA2-), which gives it a higher affinity and stronger complexing ability when coordinated with metal ions.

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Function of EDTA in DNA extraction

EDTA plays several important roles in DNA extraction. The role of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in DNA extraction is mainly related to its ability to complex metal ions (e.g., Mg2+, Ca2+, etc.). For more details, please refers to this post - what is the function of edta in dna extraction.

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EDTA function

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) has a wide range of applications in several fields due to its potent complexing ability. Not only does it play an important role in chemistry and biochemistry, but it also excels in environmental protection, pharmaceuticals, and industrial production.EDTA's versatility makes it an important chemical reagent in laboratories and industry.

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EDTA msds

The MSDS or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for EDTA is a document containing information about the safety, handling and emergency response of the chemical. In practice, personnel should consult the specific MSDS/SDS for the most current and accurate safety information. Specific MSDS/SDS documents can be obtained from suppliers, manufacturers or chemical safety databases. Safety always comes first when working with EDTA or any other chemical.

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EDTA in cosmetics

EDTA serves multiple functions in cosmetics, mainly as a chelator, stabilizer and enhancer to ensure product safety, stability and effectiveness. However, when using cosmetics, it should be noted that any ingredient can cause allergy or discomfort, so you should be concerned about your sensitivity to product ingredients.

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Density EDTA

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) typically has a density of 1.78 g/cm³ (at 20°C). This value may vary slightly depending on the specific chemical form (e.g., its salt form) or environmental conditions, but 1.78 g/cm³ is the generalized density for the common form of EDTA.

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EDTA purpose

EDTA is widely used in several fields and its main purposes cover the following areas:

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EDTA test

EDTA is tested for a variety of aspects such as its chemical properties, purity, stability, biocompatibility, and performance in different areas of application. Through these tests, the effectiveness and safety of EDTA in various applications can be ensured. These tests are often critical in the quality control process of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and industrial products. For more details, please refers to this post - How to test for EDTA.

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Is EDTA a reducing agent

No. EDTA is not usually a reducing agent, but a powerful chelating agent.The chemical structure of EDTA does not have the characteristics of a reducing agent. In general, it does not give electrons and is therefore unsuitable as a reducing agent. Under some special reaction conditions, EDTA may indirectly affect the reduction reaction by complexing metal ions in the reaction system, but this is not its main characteristic.

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Coordination number of EDTA

EDTA has a coordination number of six. This is reflected in the ability of the EDTA molecule to simultaneously bind metal ions to form stable complexes.

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